Marina Komiya

1992 Born in Atlanta, USA
2016 Realized the Mado Project in Qatar (Safia Doha Hotel 311)
2016-2017 Managed flower shop, Komiya Hanaten
2016-2018 Managed alternative space Nogata no Kuhaku
2017 Staged “Fwd: Re: Haru no Ogawa Heikaishiki”(closing ceremony in springtime Ogawa) (Shibuyagawa, Shibuya, Tokyo). Currently runs the project Hansyoku no Niwa.

Marina Komiya seeks new methods of reproduction and propagation using a broad range of media that includes performance, video, and management of spaces. In addition to her own activities, she has performed in Daisuke Kishii’s Shimatsu wo Kaku series, and is a member of the art community Parplume.