Central Ishinomaki | CURATOR:KAORU ARIMA
Takuro Goto

Born in Yamagata city, Yamagata Prefecture in 1982. Having graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Western painting, Art Department, Tohoku University of Art and Design, he works as an instructor of art, and shows his works mainly at open studios. He explores connections between “information” acquired from mass media and through the Internet and “the body” and “ordinary life scenes.” He makes oil painting based on his observation of how today’s landscape painting of hometowns should be. He participated in exhibitions including “inter-space: the ordinary and the adjacent extraordinary” (Kuguru, Yamagata city, curated by Nobuyuki Okabe, 2017), “20th Exhibition of the Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art” (The Taro Okamoto Museum of Art, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa Prefecture, 2017), “Gendai Yamagata Ko” (Studies on Contemporary Yamagata), project exhibition in “Yamagata Biennale 2018” (Tohoku University of Art and Design, Yamagata city, 2018). He was awarded Sompo Japan Art Award at the 24th “Sompo Japan Art Foundation Selection Prize for Encouragement” (Seiji Togo Memorial Sompo Japan Museum of Art, Tokyo, 2005).
Uchiyama village 2019 Oil on canvas 530 x 455 mm